This full-day FASD training program provides psychologists and other professionals with a comprehensive overview of FASD and training in the fundamental skills needed to support individuals and families impacted by FASD in a range of settings.
Based on the book "Explained by Brain: A workbook for parents, carers and educators who have
tried everything or don't know where to start" by Dr Vanessa Spiller and current national and
international research.
Session content includes:
FASD in the national and international context
FASD symptoms in the real world
How FASD impacts on everyday functioning
Diagnosis and the roles professionals play
Brain domains impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure
Mapping brain-based abilities will be introduced and practiced
Brain-based interventions for FASD - An introduction and review
Intersections with trauma
Explain by Brain framework
Extending ability mapping to intervention mapping
Modifying the environment
Modifying expectations
Modifying the implementation of strategies
Working with practical examples of behavioural symptoms, such
as stealing, confabulation, sexualised behaviours, etc
Application of the Explained by Brain framework to the home, school, therapy room and other
settings will be explored.
Cost: $325 (+ GST)
Venue: Online
Completion of FASD Foundation training is a prerequisite for all Masterclass Level training.

Learn Practical Tools to Identify, Assess, & Support Children with FASD.
Terms and Conditions
Pricing is not inclusive of GST.
To receive a refund, written notice of cancellation must be provided prior to the commencement of the course. The cancellation policy is final and non-negotiable.
Enrollment can be transferred to another person in lieu of a refund
JumpStart Psychology is not responsible for any personal circumstances that prevent your attendance.
Upon completion of the training, a certificate of completion will be issued
Pre and/or post-training evaluations are optional, and any information collected may be de-identified, published and used for quality assurance.
Your personal information may be collected and stored securely
Information provided in this training is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances. Please seek professional advice for individualised information and support.